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2024 IBM Consulting Associate Intern 채용
주5일근무, 9:00 ~ 18:00
대학교(4년) 졸업 이상
(졸업예정자 지원가능)
회사내규에 따름
근무지역 서울 영등포구 지도보기
2024 IBM Consulting Associate Intern 채용
모집부문 및 자격요건
모집분야 담당업무 모집인원 지원자격
Strategy Consultant Intern
  • ?Market Dynamics: Immerse yourself in primary research by navigating market trends, conducting market leader benchmarking studies and apply analytical skills to assist project team in developing concrete insights.
    ?Problem Solving Skills: Obtain logical and analytical thinking skills to tackle the most ambiguous problems, and generate well-structured hypotheses to solve our client problems.
    ?Operational Excellence: Support project team in managing project risks and workload  improvement by designing models for a seamless client experience, contributing to heightened efficiency and effectiveness in operational processes.
    ?Stakeholder Engagement: Support workshops, meetings, and interviews to understand and document requirements to capture and synthesizing essential information.
    ?Project Exposure: Gain hands on experience and understanding of strategy consulting projects by shadowing project teams and supporting the overall operational efficiency when executing project. Understand how project risks are managed and what hard and soft skills are required and regarded as critical to thrive as a strategy consultant.
  • 00
  • ?Currently pursuing a university degree with a track-record of academic success
    ?Mental curiosity and analytical thinking to question, research, and design innovative solutions
    ?Have initiative and passion to actively seek new knowledge and improve skills while embracing a growth mindset to assimilate diverse viewpoints
    ?Powerful communication skills for active listening and to successfully apply verbal and written communications to expose and defend point of view to the team
    ?Strong interpersonal skills that enhance collaboration and relationship building, while also managing dynamic workloads in an agile environment
    ?Willingness to be flexible and take ownership of various tasks given at hand
    ?Quantitative analysis skills and excel capabilities to conduct data driven analysis highly preferred
    ?Interest in one or more of the following types of consulting: strategy, business transformation, digital transformation, emerging technology applications to business, operating model design, platform/service design
Data Consultant

?Market Dynamics: Immersing yourself in primary research and collaborate with dynamic teams assisting clients in navigating market trends and refining competitive strategies.
?Operational Excellence: Support operational improvement by designing models for a seamless client experience, contributing to heightened efficiency and effectiveness in operational processes.
?Stakeholder Engagement: Support workshops, meetings, and interviews to understand and document requirements collaborating with diverse teams to capture and synthesizing essential information.
?Project Exposure: Gain hands on experience shadowing product teams and enterprise-wide data integrations. Contribute to data analytics assessments and actively participate in cloud migration and system implementations across major platforms.


?Currently pursuing a university degree with a track-record of academic success, ideally in linguistics or computer science field, but not essential.
?Strong interpersonal skills that enhance collaboration and relationship building, while also managing dynamic workloads in an agile environment
?Have initiative and passion to actively seek new knowledge and improve skills while embracing a growth mindset to assimilate diverse viewpoints
?Demonstrate leadership experience and ability to communicate effectively through active listening; while also be willing to adapt and have a readiness to take ownership of tasks and challenges.
?Interest in one or more of the following types of consulting: package, security, strategy, application, business transformation, or experience.


?Can understand clients’ needs and challenges, applying a creative and logical approach to identify solutions.
?Demonstrate foundational quantitative analysis skills and ability to develop data driven recommendations.
?Exposure to one of the following technologies (e.g., Generative AI, Prompt Engineering) is a plus.
?Deep understanding of top-down/bottom-up, and hypothesis-driven thinking way
IT Consultant Intern

?Market Dynamics: Immersing yourself in primary research and collaborate with dynamic teams assisting clients in navigating market trends and refining competitive strategies.

?Operational Excellence: Support operational improvement by designing models for a seamless client experience, contributing to heightened efficiency and effectiveness in operational processes.
?Stakeholder Engagement: Support workshops, meetings, and interviews to understand and document requirements collaborating with diverse teams to capture and synthesizing essential information.
?Project Exposure: Gain hands on experience shadowing product teams and enterprise-wide data integrations. Some of the activities include contributing to data analytics assessments and actively participating in cloud migration and system implementations across different cloud platforms.


?Currently pursuing a university degree with a track-record of academic success
?Strong interpersonal skills that enhance collaboration and relationship building, while also managing dynamic workloads in an agile environment
?Have initiative and passion to actively seek new knowledge and improve skills while embracing a growth mindset to assimilate diverse viewpoints
?Demonstrate leadership experience and ability to communicate effectively through active listening; while also be willing to adapt and have a readiness to take ownership of tasks and challenges.
?Interest in one or more of the following types of consulting: package solutions, security, strategy, application design & development, business transformation, or cloud migration.


?Exposure to one of the following programming technologies (e.g. Python, Java, JavaScript, SQL) is a plus.
?Exposure to one of the hyperscalers (e.g. AWS, MS Azure, OCI) is a plus.
?Can understand clients’ needs and challenges, applying a creative and logical approach to identify solutions.
?Demonstrate foundational quantitative analysis skills and ability to develop data driven recommendations.
  • 근무형태 - 인턴직
  • 근무일시 - 주5일근무 (월요일~금요일) 09시~18시
  • 급여조건 - (회사내규에 따름)
  • 근무지역 - (07326 ) 서울 영등포구 국제금융로 10
& Video
1차 면접
2차 면접
접수기간 및 방법
  • 마감시한 - 2024년 06월 03일 (월) 오후 2시 
  • 접수방법 - 홈페이지 https://www.ibm.com/careers/search?field_keyword_05[0]=Korea
  • 이력서양식 - 자유양식
  • 제출서류 - * IBM Career Portal 공고에 올라와있는 채용 가이드라인을 반드시 확인하고 제출하여 주세요.  Video Assessment 까지 포함하여 마감시한 내에 제출되어야 합니다. * 
  • 입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
  • 모집분야별로 마감일이 상이할 수 있으니 유의하시길 바랍니다.
접수기간 및 방법
채용 마감까지 남은기간
2024.05.17 17:00
2024.06.03 14:00
자유 양식
홈페이지 지원
마감일은 기업의 사정, 조기마감 등으로 변경될 수 있습니다.
1967년 04월 25일(59년)
서울 영등포구 국제금융로 10 (여의도동,국제금융센터쓰리아이에프씨)
소프트웨어,하드웨어 개발,공급,IT컨설팅/대부,할부금융투자
관련 키워드